Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dating Body Language - Is it Really Important?

Dating Body Language - Is it Really Important?

Dating is not all about the choice of words you speak. When it comes to dating, nothing is more important than your body language. 'Speaking' the right dating body language is important because it tell your date what kind of person you are. This can either make your date successful or not.

The reason why the body language is so powerful is because it speaks directly to the subconscious mind. And it always wins over verbal communication. Let's say you are excited about something your date just said. If you fold your arms still, your date interprets that to mean that you are not excited. But if you use the wrong words, all you need to help you win your date over is when your dating body language is well spoken.

There is another reason why dating body language is so important and that is because it could helps create attraction instantly. On the contrary, you would turn off a date and never get a second chance if you 'speak' it wrongly. Sorry if I may sound harsh. But whether I'm harsh or not, it is the truth and if you want to success with your dates, you must learn to use the dating body language properly.

Below, I have outlines 5 dating body language signals that will win you dates if properly applied:

1. Win by maintaining good eye contact. Ever wondered why people look away when they or others are talking? It is as a result of feeling uncomfortable or lacking interest in the topic. When your date is talking and you look away, you simply say that you are feeling tensed. And if you fail to maintain eye contact when you speak, your date interprets that to mean that you are insincere. Maintain good eye contact both when you talk and when you listen and thus avoid communicating these negative messages.

2. Let your body do the talking where possible. Use gestures, smiles, physical touches and winks to communicate, slowly. Just do it in moderation.

3. Do not fold your arms tightly as if you are feeling uncomfortable. That would translate to insecurity in your date's mind. Lay your hands open to your date. For guys, show you are comfortable by spreading your legs and occupying as much space as necessary.

4. Words spoken calmly and slowly have more effect on the hearer. That shows that you are secure and confident. Men who speak slowly and confidently are a huge attraction to women.

5. Add life to your smile. Only tensed people smiling continually, so keeping your smile alive does not mean smiling at every word uttered. Smile only when it is necessary to do so. Follow your smile with close eye contact. A lively smile is not only contagious, it also crosses all cultural boundaries.

But what if you can't use these dating body language habits effectively? Practice is the key. Go out more. Learn the language like you learn habits. Meet more singles and put into practice what you have learned. An automatic makeover is not possible. You acquired your present body language over a lifetime. That is why it would take some time to re-learn new positive habits. Practice with constancy, and you would soon learn to 'speak' a better dating body language.

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