Saturday, August 1, 2009

How to Enjoy Unexpected Guests

Enjoy Unexpected Guests
Enjoy Unexpected Guests

Entertaining is fun, but many people take it too seriously. Formal entertaining requires time and preparation, but when guests arrive unexpectedly, the rules go out the window. Still, if you can stay calm and improvise, you can enjoy even unexpected guests.

  1. Step 1

    Be polite. You may not have invited them, but your guests have arrived. Bad manners will only make an awkward situation more uncomfortable. Put on your host hat and get to work. Invite those guests into your home and make them feel welcome. You can worry about their manners at showing up uninvited later.

  2. Step 2

    Allow yourself to be entertained. Guests who arrive unexpectedly usually have their own agenda. Let your guests entertain you with news they may have brought. If their agenda isn't obvious, wait for it. Allow your uninvited guests to carry the conversation. This may give you a clue as to why they stopped by in the first place.

  3. Step 3

    Relax. Expectations are low for a host who wasn't anticipating company. You needn't rush around to prepare food and tidy up when guests arrive unexpectedly. When you're a host by default, you just have to roll with it. Offer your guests whatever you were planning to eat yourself. If there's not enough, it will be an obvious hint that they shouldn't stay long.

  4. Step 4

    Share your hosting duties. Once you settle into the idea of entertaining these people who just dropped by, get them involved in the act. Preparing food can be a fun and social activity. Bring your guests into the kitchen while you prepare a meal or snack and give them jobs. Someone can open a bottle of juices while another cuts some apples and cheese. You'll have time to run upstairs and change your clothes while the snacks are being prepared.

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