Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How to Hypnotize A Woman - How to Hypnotize A Girl

There's something that happens when you want to hypnotize a girl. Many men do experience it and still many will experience it when they are out playing games. It happens this way, you are in a group, interacting with a couple of girls, you are in the midst of a friend or two or even having drinks in a nearby bar or at a party and you've got your eye on a girl in the group in particular and want to hypnotize her in order to be his girlfriend. She may be proving hard to hypnotize, she smiles and speaks to you nicely and politely but she isn't returning your flirtatious gestures and comments much, if at all there's any. Its like she's playing hard to hypnotize but her female friends seem to be much more flirty and playful.

This doesn't always happen because she doesn't want to be hypnotized or just maybe they are not interested in you. There is a reason why the girl you are interested in doesn't appear to be interested in you and it's got much to do with psychology and social standing. When you appear to be interested in a good looking girl who's with her friends, you inadvertently bump up her ego up and the feeling of self worth. She knows quite well that you need her and mostly interested in her and likes this feeling of her elevated importance. If she responds by being flirty and obviously attracted to you she will lose the higher social value she has over her friends ( maybe the reason why you targeted her in the first place), so she maintains her impetus. "I am a bit too good for you status"

Meanwhile, you can hypnotize the woman with the help of Deflection Theory. You can turn the situation on iher head and change the psychology of your target female by diverting your attention from her and onto one or more of her friends. When you show her friends who have a low social status more than your target woman more attention and affection, you could challenge her ego. In a way to gain her superiority in the midst of her friends, the girl you really want to hypnotize will subconsciously divert much attention to you by flirting and being playful. As many women do, she will give in wanting what she feels she cannot get and for sure you will be glad to have her. This is how to deflect your attention onto one of her friends to make the woman you want feel as if her ego has been challenged and make her desire to get your attention and win you back.

(1) Make a strong eye contact when you are speaking to all of the girls. Meanwhile, when you are talking to the woman you want to hypnotize, occasionally glimpse away towards one of the other girls who might be talking amongst themselves or to your pals if you are with any and give a sexy smile before looking back at your target. This will create a sense of competition into the subconscious mind of the girl you are really interested in and immediately make her want to win your attention

(2) Casually make physical contact to her pals than you do to her. For example, touch them on their arm as if you need an attention or when joking or laughing.

(3) When you are sitting down or standing around interacting as a group, face slightly more in the direction of one of her friends more than the way you do to her.

Applying deflection theory to get a woman you are interested in and make her need you more is one psychological technique you can use to be able to increase your pick up game. When you combine it with other thoughts and ideas you would maximize your success with the opposite sex in ways most of the men have and never will experience. You can be the guy that gets the girl of your dream if you play the game well.

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